move from Paris

move from Paris

Message par arham » Lun 2 Fév 2015 12:05

I plan to move from Paris to the Valle d'Yerres. My main motivation is to find a bit of greenery and fresh air, at a reasonable distance of Paris (24 minutes). However, I fear a little quiet of this urban community. What areas would you recommend me, which is a little animated, including the Restaurant plane (at reasonable rates) and coffee, with age population rather average or even younger?
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Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Lun 2 Fév 2015 12:04

Re: move from Paris

Message par Chris » Ven 12 Fév 2016 08:39

Look at the french movie "Tomboy" ... 88840.html and you will be convinced.
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : Dim 4 Jan 2015 13:23

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